"A função do artista é violentar" (Glauber Rocha)

Archive for July, 2012

#Charge p/Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB): A quem servem as barragens?

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#Charge p/ @sengerj: Remoções forçadas

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#Charge p/ @fisenge: A farsa da “sustentabilidade”

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#Cartoon – #Israel’s Netanyahu blames #Iran for EVERYTHING!

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#Cartoon – Romney #Israel trip: Forget the Jewish vote, he wants Jewish MONEY

PolicyMic: Romney Israel Trip: Forget the Jewish Vote, He Wants Jewish Money http://www.policymic.com/articles/11981/romney-israel-trip-forget-the-jewish-vote-he-wants-jewish-money

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Mina Daniels #cartoon painted by #Egypt activists today (Via @AhrarNewsAnn)

Celebrating the birthday of Mina Daniels, killed by Egyptian forces on October the 9th 2011, activists painted in his home the cartoon I made as a tribute to his memory. Photos by @Mostafa63607404

Hat tip @isra_jack

#Charge p/jornal Contraponto/SISEJUFE: O guru da presidenta Dilma

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#Cartoon – Republican dissidents join forces to form a new #IRA – #Ireland

Irish Republican News: Unity statement by ‘IRA Army Council’ http://republican-news.org/current/news/2012/07/unity_statement_by_ira_army_co.html

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#Charge – O papel dos jornalões durante a ditadura no Brasil

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#Cartoon for @CartaCapital – Colorado Massacre: Business as usual – #theatershooting

Original article (in Portuguese) http://www.cartacapital.com.br/internacional/james-holmes-um-consumidor/

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#Cartoon for @Operamundi – American gun culture in a nutshell – #theatershooting

Original article (in Portuguese) http://operamundi.uol.com.br/conteudo/noticias/23180/a+cultura+das+armas+nos+estados+unidos+em+resumo.shtml

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#Cartoon – James Holmes guns were bought LEGALLY at gun stores in Colorado – #theatershooting

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Denver gunman James Holmes for president of National Rifle Association #theatershooting @NRANews

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#Cartoon: Spree killings became part of U.S. pop culture – #DenverMassacre #theatershooting

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#Cartoon – #Denver #Batman massacre: masked gunman shoots dead 12

Denver post: 71 shot, 12 killed at Aurora movie theater during Batman premiere http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_21118201/unknown-number-people-shot-at-aurora-movie-theater

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#Charge p/Revista Inform@ção SindpdRJ: Ou o #Brasil acaba com a corrupção…

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#Charge p/Revista Inform@ção SindpdRJ: Execução de pescadores da Associação Homens do Mar

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#Charge p/Revista Inform@ção Sindpd-RJ – Trabalho infantil no Brasil

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#Cartoon – #Russia #China veto on US military intervention in #Syria

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#Cartoon – Omar Suleiman, former Mubarak’s spy chief, has died in US

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Interesting excerpt: Art for #Palestine: When a #cartoon defies #Israel censorship!

Interesting  excerpt from Art for Palestine: “Renarrating” History and the Present, written by Rafeef Ziadah for the book “Organize!: Building from the Local for Global Justice

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It’s not #Olympics! It’s a race for SURVIVAL! #Cartoon for @IHRC Campaign for #Bahrain

The Islamic Human Rights Commission http://www.ihrc.org.uk/

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Bus ad in London features cartoon I made for IHRC Campaign for Freedom and Justice in Bahrain.

My Hangman of #Syria cartoon featured on Al Jazeera’s The Stream @AJStream

Original article here: http://stream.aljazeera.com/story/battle-damascus-0022289

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#Charge de Dilma Rousseff vira banner gigante em Brasilia! – Via @candinho1979

A charge que produzi originalmente para o Sindicato dos Servidores do Colégio Pedro II mostrando Dilma Rousseff aprendendo com FHC a lidar com o funcionalismo foi transformado num banner gigante pelo Sindicato Nacional dos Servidores Federaisda Educação Básica, Profissional e Tecnológica e exibido durante passeata de servidores públicos federais nesta quarta-feira em Brasília. Espero que a presidenta seja fã de caricaturas.

As fotos são de Roberto Jayme/UOL e Eraldo Peres/Associated Press. A dica foi de Cândido Cunha.

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