"A função do artista é violentar" (Glauber Rocha)

Archive for November, 2014

Please RT! A tale of a FARCE: #Egypt court frees Mubarak! Via @al_tagreer


Egypt court drops charges against Mubarak Altagreer

Morre o ator mexicano Roberto Bolaños @ChespiritoRGB, o “Chaves” (via @operamundi)


Morre o ator mexicano Roberto Bolanos o Chaves


Please, RT! #ShutItDown Atlanta! #Ferguson

Shut It Down Atlanta


Please, RT! Thanksgiving in #Ferguson – #FergusonDecision #mikebrownverdict #BlackFriday

Thanksgiving in Ferguson


Please, RT! From #Ferguson to #Palestine, via @MiddleEastMnt ResistFerguson StopRacism

Ferguson Palestine Middle East Monitor

Please, RT! What if @BarackObama was just another Black man in #Ferguson? Via @brasil247


Obama Ferguson ENGLISH Obama Ferguson

Please, RT! Recent #Ferguson ‘toons via @operamundi, @al_tagreer, etc

An earthquake called Michael Brown FergusonDarren Wilson Ferguson Mike Brown muder verdictB3GxQ3fIYAE4St- Ferguson cop Darren Wilson murderer of Mike Brown acquitted Altagreer Ferguson cop Darren Wilson murderer of Mike Brown acquitted Ferguson police Ferguson Jay Nixon Ferguson