"A função do artista é violentar" (Glauber Rocha)

Archive for September, 2012

Another #Cartoon | Free Bradley Manning, Nobel nominee @WikiLeaks whistleblower | @savebradley

“Nobel Peace Prize nominee PFC Bradley Manning, a 24-year-old Army intelligence analyst, is accused of releasing the Collateral Murder video, that shows the killing of unarmed civilians and two Reuters journalists, by a US Apache helicopter crew in Iraq. He is also accused of sharing the Afghan War Diary, the Iraq War Logs, and series of embarrassing US diplomatic cables. These documents were published by the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks, and they have illuminated such issues as the true number and cause of civilian casualties in Iraq, along with a number of human rights abuses by U.S.-funded contractors and foreign militaries, and the role that spying and bribes play in international diplomacy. Given the war crimes exposed, if PFC Bradley Manning was the source for these documents, he should be given a medal of honor.”


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#Cartoon – Free Bradley Manning, Nobel nominee @WikiLeaks whistleblower – @savebradley

“Nobel Peace Prize nominee PFC Bradley Manning, a 24-year-old Army intelligence analyst, is accused of releasing the Collateral Murder video, that shows the killing of unarmed civilians and two Reuters journalists, by a US Apache helicopter crew in Iraq. He is also accused of sharing the Afghan War Diary, the Iraq War Logs, and series of embarrassing US diplomatic cables. These documents were published by the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks, and they have illuminated such issues as the true number and cause of civilian casualties in Iraq, along with a number of human rights abuses by U.S.-funded contractors and foreign militaries, and the role that spying and bribes play in international diplomacy. Given the war crimes exposed, if PFC Bradley Manning was the source for these documents, he should be given a medal of honor.”


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Netanyahu’s bomb #cartoon featured on Germany weekly @derfreitag

Original article in German http://www.freitag.de/autoren/emran-feroz/ein-paranoider-kriegstreiber

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#Cartoon – Netanyahu at @UN and the red lines #Iran #Israel

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#Cartoon – Netanyahu speaking about bombs at @UN General Assembly – #Iran #Israel

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#Cartoon @Operamundi – Netanyahu speaks at @UN general assembly about #Iran bomb

Original article in Portuguese http://operamundi.uol.com.br/conteudo/opiniao/24560/netanyahu+o+desenho+e+as+bombas.shtml

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Em 2000 eu já fazia minha própria “Comissão da Verdade” contra torturadores da ditadura

Nota publicada no Jornal do Brasil em 13 de fevereiro de 2000 pelo jornalista Rodrigo Morais, uma das raríssimas vezes em que o mainstream media no Brasil publicou uma charge minha.

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#Cartoon on @monaeltahawy arrest featured on El Watan News via @AmrEzzEldeen #FreeMona

الوطن | “لاتوف” يرد على اعتقال “الطحاوي” بكاريكاتير يوضح ازداوجية الغرب: http://www.elwatannews.com/news/details/53889

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Anti-Islam film #cartoon on the cover of Fortnightly Class Struggle newspaper #Pakistan October 2012


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#Cartoon – @monaeltahawy arrested for protesting against anti-Palestinian/Islam ad – #Israel

NYMag:  ‘Savage’ Ad Defender Scuffles With Activist Spray Painting Sign http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/09/anti-jihad-israel-sign-scuffle-times-square.html

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Charge da tortura no Brasil na coluna do Ancelo Gois @Ancelmocom 23/08/2012

Um grupo de esquerda, chamado União da Juventude Rebelião, espalha pelo Rio este desenho de uma pessoa sendo torturada no chamado pau de arara sobre uma bandeira do Brasil. A carta pede a “prisão para todos os torturadores e assassinos da ditadura”.

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One more #cartoon suggestion for @Charlie_Hebdo_ – Freedom of Speech and #Islamophobia

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#Cartoon for Ideias magazine/Sisejufe|”Nothing to worry about, it’s just the Mohammed cartoons”

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#Cartoon – Political Gangnam Style 정치적인 강 남 스타일 #Korea

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Another #cartoon suggestion for @Charlie_Hebdo_ |West’s double standard on mocking #Muslims #Jews

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New #cartoon suggestion for @Charlie_Hebdo_ – Turning #Islamophobia into freedom of speech in Europe

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#Cartoon suggestion for @Charlie_Hebdo_ – West’s double standard on drawing #Jews and #Muslims

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#Cartoon – @Charlie_Hebdo_ has published nude cartoons of Prophet Mohammed

Herald Sun: French magazine Charlie Hebdo publishes nude cartoons of Prophet Mohammed http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/world/french-magazine-charlie-hebdo-publishes-nude-cartoons-of-prophet-mohammed/story-fnd134gw-1226477532876

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French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo’s publisher, known only as Charb

#Cartoon – Anti-Islam film: Playing with (sacred) FIRE!

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#Cartoon @Operamundi – @MittRomney pleasing #Israel donors

Original article in Portuguese http://operamundi.uol.com.br/conteudo/opiniao/24394/o+que+mitt+romney+pensa+sobre+os+palestinos.shtml

Reuters: New video on Palestinians spells more trouble for Romney http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/18/us-usa-campaign-idUSBRE88G19620120918

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#Charge p/ @mtst_ – Gilberto Kassab e os incêndios nas favelas de São Paulo

MTST, Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem-Teto http://www.mtst.org/

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A emocionante história de Nivaldo Mercúrio, ex-interno do Asilo-Colônia Aimorés em Bauru (SP)

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“Nivaldo Mercúrio tinha sete anos quando aquela ambulância negra estacionou em frente à sua casa, em Itápolis, interior do Estado de São Paulo, e sua vida mudou. O menino ainda não conseguia ler a sigla DPL, grafada em letras brancas e garrafais nos dois lados do enorme camburão, porém já sabia que sua presença significava a existência de um leproso nas redondezas.”

Continue lendo AQUI!

Assista ao excelente documentário Memórias Internas de Renato Falzoni, onde o próprio Nivaldo fala de sua vida no Asilo-Colônia Aimorés em Bauru (SP)

#Charge p/revista do @curso_sapientia: O urubu dos EUA quer voar pra Síria mas…

#Cartoon @Operamundi – “Innocence of Muslims”: The film that KILLS! #Islamophobia

Original article in Portuguese http://operamundi.uol.com.br/conteudo/opiniao/24304/o+explosivo+filme+anti-isla.shtml

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